The data collection request can be made via our dashboard or via API. To find out how to send a data collection request via AP, click here.
To send a data collection request via the dashboard, go to the Data Collection menu at the top left of the screen:
Depois, clique em Enviar Solicitações de Coleta de Dados
Then click on the option to download a sample file:
An Excel file will be downloaded for you to fill in.
Fill in the information requested without changing the file header.
Understand below what each field means and how to fill it in:
- Invoice: Unique alphanumeric code that identifies the payment generated by the company originating the payment order;
- FullName: Beneficiary's full name
- TaxID: Beneficiary Identification Document (CPF - 11 digits | CNPJ - 14 digits)
- Email: Beneficiary's e-mail address (this will be used to contact the beneficiary to request bank details).
- MobileNumber: Beneficiary's cell phone number (this will be used to contact the beneficiary as a reminder to provide bank details).
- Amount: Amount to be paid to the beneficiary
- Description: Payment description. Free field (e.g. payment for refund of product xyz);
- DirectPayment: Enter 1 if you want to make a direct payment attempt before trying to collect the data or 0 if you want to start directly by collecting the bank details without a payment attempt.
- BankCode: digit bank identification code with 3 digits (ex: 341 - Itaú Unibanco)
- BankBranch: Beneficiary's bank account with 4 digits
- Account: Beneficiary's bank account
- AccountDigit: Verifier digit of the beneficiary's bank account
- AccountType: Type of account - C for current and S for savings
Once completed, save the file to your computer.
In the Dashboard, select your company name in the Merchant field and upload the saved file. Then click Send File and wait for the screen to return with confirmation that the upload was successful.
If there are any errors in filling in the spreadsheet, the system will return a message informing you of the incorrect fields so that you can correct them and send them again.
Important: the lines that have been filled in correctly will be accepted on the first attempt, and only the lines with errors need to be resent. In this case, pay attention to the return message on the screen to see which transactions have gone through and which need correcting.