Received - First status of Data Collection. It means that the transaction has been received in our system and is ready to proceed with the collection flow.
Collecting Data- It means that the transaction is in the stage of collecting beneficiary data. This status may indicate that an email, an SMS, or a call has been sent to the beneficiary.
Processing PIX - CPF - It means that the payment has entered the processing flow, and our system will attempt to make a payment to the registered PIX Key with the beneficiary's CPF. If the CPF is not a valid PIX key, the transaction enters the data collection flow.
Processing PIX - COLLECTED DATA - It means that the data has been provided by the beneficiary through the link sent, and the transaction is in the payment processing flow.
Processing PIX - BANKING DETAILS - It means that the payment is being processed for the banking details provided by your company when the transactions were sent to our system.
Canceled - It means that the transaction went through the collection flow and the beneficiary did not provide the required data within the 30-day period. It can also be canceled upon request from your company.
Paid - It means that the transaction successfully passed through the collection flow and the payment was completed.