It is a popular payment method in Brazil where customers can pay bills by generating a barcode and making a payment at a bank, post office, or other authorized locations.
See how the bank slip works for the consumer:
Status for bank slip
Invoices issued and paid through bank slips are displayed in our Dashboard with the following statuses:
Created - the bank slip with this status is created and awaiting payment.
Canceled - the bank slip with this status did not have the payment made by its due date and therefore received a cancellation process.
Paid - the bank slip with this status has been paid and is awaiting confirmation of receipt of funds for us to credit the amount to the Merchant's account. The bank slip in the paid status will contribute to the Total Balance.
Credited - the bank slip with this status is available for withdrawal by the Merchant, contributing to the Available Balance.
Information required to create a payin via bank slip
At the time of creating a bank slip, it is necessary to provide some information such as:
Payer's Document - usually indicated by the payer's CPF.
Email Address - payer's electronic address.
Address - complete address of the payer (ZIP code, Street, Complement, City, Neighborhood, State).
Amount - of the charge that will be generated. The minimum amount for generating a bank slip is R$5.00 (five) reais.
Due Date - composed of day, month, and year of maturity.
Instructions - additional field, not mandatory, where you can include information that will be attached to the body of the charge.
Interest and Fine - determine if the issued bank slip should consider interest and fine in case of late payment. Determine the percentage applied to the values and the start date of validity of the penalty.
Discounts - determine if the issued bank slip may have a discount applied to the charge amount. Determine if the discount will be granted in percentage, fixed amount, or per day, as well as inform the deadline for applying the discount.
Final Beneficiary - indicate the name of the institution that will receive the payment, its CNPJ, and also a customer service channel such as 0800 or email.
Bank slip Settlement
The settlement of the bank slip occurs at WEpayments on D+1 (or up to two business days), and you can view the available withdrawal amount in our Dashboard under the "Reports" menu and then "Balances".
The Balances card provides information on the two balances that make up your Payin account at WEpayments, namely:
Total Balance - refers to a forecast of future revenue and includes all bank slips with Paid and Credited statuses.
Available Balance - the actual amount available for WITHDRAWAL and includes all bank slips with Credited status.
Can I refund a payment made by bank slip?
If you have received a payment via Bank Slip and your customer has requested a refund, you can process the refund through WEpayments, but this functionality is not automatic.
If you have subscribed to the Payout product from WEpayments, you can process the refund by making a payout to the beneficiary via API or directly through our Dashboard.
If you do not have the Payout product, you can contact our support and service team to inquire about how to process the refund for your customer through WEpayments.