You can send payments through WEpayments using our dashboard or through our API.
To find out how to send payments via API, go to this link.
From our dashboard, you can send a payment individually or in bulk using an Excel file.
Creating an individual payment
To create a one-off payment via our Dashboard, click on the Create payment button.
The following screen will appear and you must fill in the required fields as instructed below:
01) Merchant - your company;;
02) Original paying company - who is originating the payment order;
03) Website - e-mail address of the company originating the payment order;
04) Invoice - unique alphanumeric code that identifies the payment generated by the company originating the payment order;
05) Amount- the final amount that will be sent to the beneficiary;
06) Type of Payment - If the payment will occur through PIX or regular Bank Transfer (TED).
- When selecting PIX, you should enter the PIX key or the beneficiary's bank details.
- When selecting the TED option, you should provide the beneficiary's bank details.
07) Beneficiary - Full name of the final beneficiary
08) Beneficiary Document - CPF or CNPJ of the final beneficiary
To create a bulk payment order via our Dashboard, click on the Create payments by spreadsheet button.
This spreadsheet should be accessed in a spreadsheet editor and, once edited, saved in .XLS or .XLSX extensions.
It is important to note that the header of the template spreadsheet must not be altered, and that the spreadsheet must not contain any formulas for the payments to be sent successfully. Also make sure that there is no spacing at the beginning of the form.
Now that the template spreadsheet is in your hands, let's understand what each of these columns means.
INVOICE - this column should contain an alphanumeric code of up to 45 characters which will be used by our system to identify each payment line as a single payment. You are free to choose this invoice code to best fit your routine.
The only thing to note is that our system will only recognize one INVOICE code per payment line and will block payments that have repeated INVOICE codes.
For example:
The image above shows an example of incorrect filling. Note that the INVOICE information is the same for both paylines. Our system here will identify this duplicate information and point out an INVOICE error. To correct this, simply change the invoice code in the spreadsheet and upload it again, see:
Importantly, once the INVOICE code has been registered in our system, it cannot be used again, even in different uploads.
Name of Beneficiary - this column, as the name implies, is where you will first identify the beneficiary of the payment. Fill in the First and Last Name.
CPF / CNPJ - this is the second column for identifying the beneficiary. Note that payments can be addressed to both individuals and companies. Fill in the numbers only, without dots or dashes. Don't forget to indicate any leading zeros. The CPF must contain 11 digits and the CNPJ 14 digits. Pay attention to this and make sure that this cell is formatted as TEXT.
PIX key - the pix key is a type of banking data. Fill in CPF, telephone, e-mail or random key information here. This column is not mandatory if you have bank account and branch details. Pay attention to this and make sure that the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
PIX Key Types - How to enter them:
CPF: 11 digits (text formatting)
Telephone: +5511999999999 (text formatting)
E-mail: (text formatting)
Bank code - here you need to enter the beneficiary's bank code. All Brazilian banks have a unique 3-digit code that identifies them. This column is not mandatory if you have Pix Key data.
Pay attention to this and make sure that the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
Bank branch - in this column you need to enter the branch code of the beneficiary. This column is not mandatory if you have Pix Key data. Pay attention to this and make sure the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
Bank Account - complete the information with the beneficiary's bank account code. This column is not mandatory if you have Pix Key data. Pay attention to this and make sure the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
Bank Account Digit - this is the last piece of information that makes up a beneficiary's bank details. It consists of just one digit and in some banks it is indicated with the digit after the dash. For example: 20308-1. In other banks there is no such division of information between bank account and digit.
For example: 203081. This column is not mandatory if you have Pix Key data. Be aware of this and ensure that the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
Payout Amount - enter the payout amount here. This is the monetary value in reais. It must be filled in with a dot to divide the decimal places. For example: 154.45. In this case, our system will understand that the amount to be paid to the beneficiary is R$154.45 reais.
Account type - this is important information that contributes to the success of your PAYOUTS, especially those made via PIX. There are two types of account:
1) Current Account - indicated by the code C;
2) Savings Account - indicated by the code S - de savings.
Please note that some beneficiary banks may use different nomenclatures to identify account types. If your beneficiary informs you that they have a Salary Account or Payment Account, classify them as CURRENT ACCOUNT (C).
Description - the information in this column will be visible in the transaction STATEMENT of the beneficiary's bank account. Use it to describe the Payout or for any other type of information. It is textual information of up to 45 characters.
Message - the information in this column will be visible on the transaction STATEMENT that WEpayments provides. Use as you wish. This is textual information of up to 75 characters.
Payment Type - Finally, the last column of the spreadsheet is intended to inform our system whether this payment line should be made via a PIX or a TB (bank transfer, TED/TEF type). Pay attention to this and make sure that the formatting of this cell is TEXT.
Enter the payment flow using the codes below:
PIX - 1
Once you've filled in this spreadsheet, you're ready to make your first Payout submission via our Dashboard.
Simply select your company name in the Merchant field and upload the saved file.
If there are any errors when filling in the spreadsheet, the system will return a message informing you of the incorrect fields so that you can correct them and send them again.
Important: the lines that have been filled in correctly will be accepted on the first attempt, and only the lines with errors need to be resent. In this case, pay attention to the return message on the screen to see which transactions have gone through and which need correcting.