You can create a charge via API or directly from the dashboard if you have the necessary permissions.
To find out how to create API charges, visit our documentation here.
To create a charge via the Dashboard, go to the "List of payins" in the "Payin" menu and click on "Create Payments Request".
Fill in the information requested on the next screen:
Information required
Merchant: Select your company name
Customer information
Document: CPF/CNPJ of the buyer. After filling in this field, the customer's name and address information will appear to be filled in.
Payin information
Type: Select whether to charge by Pix, Boleto or Credit Card. The options available in this field will depend on the products contracted.
After selecting the payment type, new information will appear to be filled in depending on the payment method chosen.
Bank Slip
Credit Card
For the credit card, you can input the following information when generating the charge:
Logo displayed on the invoice: link to your logo
Success - Redirect URL: enter the URL corresponding to the message you want the customer to see if the payment is completed successfully.
Failure - Redirect URL: enter the URL corresponding to the message you want the customer to see if the payment is not completed.
Statement descriptor: here you can enter information to identify what the charge refers to, such as the name of your company.
After the above information, you will also need to enter the details of the product sold:
Note: Please note that for Pix and Credit Card, you need to enter the expiration time of the charge in addition to the date. If you are generating a charge due on the same day, pay attention to the expiration time, as the charge is immediately canceled after expiration.
Amount: Enter the amount you will be charged for the service or product you are selling
Instructions: enter information about the charge you have made. For example: charge for service X provided by company Y.
Final beneficiary: Enter the information relating to the final beneficiary of the charge, which can be your company or your partners registered as sub merchants or sub portfolios.
Once all the information has been filled in, click on “creat payin".