If you have any questions about your account, our Support team is here to help!
What questions can we answer?
Among the topics we receive the most, you can contact us about:
- Processing fees and charges;
Changes to registration data: Updates such as:
- Company name or corporate name.
- Change of ownership of the account (CNPJ).
- Changes to the people responsible for the company or account. - Data for withdrawing amounts received: Changes to the details of the bank account used for withdrawal.
- Registration of submerchants or products;
How can I contact you?
We are ready to assist you through the following channels:
- E-mail: Send your request to cs@wepayments.com.br.
- WhatsApp: Send a message to +554192667191.
When contacting us, please
- State the question or change you require.
- Provide specific details to facilitate analysis and resolution.
What happens after contact?
Our support team will analyze your request and, if necessary, direct it to the area responsible.
If the demand is more complex, we will inform you of the estimated time for resolution at the time of contact.
Throughout the process, we will keep you updated on the status of your request.
Count on WEpayments
Don't hesitate to contact us through the channels indicated above. Our goal is to ensure that your experience with WEpayments is always the best it can be.