All bank accounts in Brazil have the following information:
Bank code: This is the 3-character number that specifies which bank it is (each bank has its own code, for example 341 for ITAÚ).
In our dashboard, under the Banks option, you have access to the list of banks with their respective codes.
Check out in this article how to access the list of banks.
Bank branch: About 4 numbers that identify the branch for each account (in case there are 5 numbers, only the first 4 are mandatory) - e.g., if the branch is 45679, the 9 is the digit, and it does not need to be informed.
Branch digit: It is not mandatory, not all banks have it, but when they do, it is the last number.
Account number: Mandatory number to identify the account - it can have up to 15 characters normally, depending on the bank.
Account digit: Mandatory field - it is always the last number of the account, for example: 38219-7 (7 is the digit). It must be provided separately from the account number.
Account type: Mandatory field to identify the type of account. S for Savings and C for Checking.
The bank account number can be used for electronic payments or instant payment methods. The pix key is only available for instant payments (pix).
Bank account details are available in the beneficiary's bank application and, in some cases, also appear on the physical card.